Our team is a symphony of personalities, each note playing a crucial role in creating the masterpiece that is CREANIACS.

With an umbrella company and five sub-companies, we're a powerhouse of creativity that's rewriting the rulebook with in-depth competence in ideation, tech, and marketing.

Now, we're a kaleidoscopic collective of creative chaos, where brainstorming sessions are more like cosmic collisions, and inspiration is our daily bread.
Welcome to our playground of imagination! At CREANIACS, we offer a buffet of mind-bending services that'll leave you craving for more.
Are you tired of the predictable? Say goodbye to the ordinary and embrace the extraordinary. With an umbrella company and five sub-companies, we’re a powerhouse of creativity that’s rewriting the rulebook with in-depth competence in ideation, tech, and marketing.
Explore, experience, and expand the boundaries of what’s possible with CREANIACS!
Some friends we have made
while working together.
We don’t just embrace diversity; we throw it a party and invite all the quirks. Our team is a symphony of personalities, each note playing a crucial role in creating the masterpiece that is CREANIACS.
Unwavering Guide
At CREANIACS, we are guided by three unwavering principles that define who we are and how we operate:
Unleash the Extraordinary
We believe in the power of the unexpected. We seek out the extraordinary in every project and endeavor, infusing each with creativity that defies norms and surprises even the wildest imagination.
Nurture Quirkiness
Quirkiness is our secret ingredient. We celebrate individuality, encourage unique perspectives, and embrace the unconventional. By nurturing quirkiness, we cultivate an environment where innovation thrives.
Craft with Care
Every stroke of the brush, every line of code, and every idea we bring to life is a testament to our dedication. We approach each project with meticulous attention to detail, ensuring that our creations are not just remarkable but resonate deeply with our audience.
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Phone numbers:
08088319135 | 08063721773